DK Divorce Consultants

I specialise in helping you through your divorce by providing you with invaluable support.


Hi, my name is David Kite, and I want to help you get the divorce you deserve. A pre-packaged divorce almost.

Let me explain... I got divorced in September 2020, and during that process, I made many of the mistakes that most people do when it comes to divorce. I realised that there absolutely had to be a better and more cost effective way of getting divorced, so in January 2021, DK Divorce Consultants was born.

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Get you the divorce you deserve


Help you avoid the common mistakes


Guide you through the whole process from start to finish


Help you consider life after divorce


Make sure you get the clean break you deserve


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With over 35 years experience in financial services, I help my clients get the divorce that they deserve.

I help you avoid some of the common mistakes people make when they are considering divorce, so that you can come out the other side in the best possible position.

Recent changes in Divorce Law mean you don't need to give a reason for the breakdown of your marriage.

Apart from that, the process is broadly the same, as it’s always been.. It's time-consuming, stressful, expensive, and quite often you don't know where to turn to for help and support.

By seeing me before you go to your solicitor, you should avoid unnecessary costs and confrontation.

With mybespoke Solicitor Friendly Packdetailing all your personal and financial details and ideas about how you wish to approach the Financial Settlement, you will put yourself in a strong position to 'Achieve the Divorce you Deserve’.

Divorce Consultant

Helping You Get the Divorce You Deserve

Divorces consume a lot of time, money and emotions. At DK Divorce Consultants we help you manage your time by prioritising your tasks and energy so that you can reduce the impact of your divorce on your day-to-day life.

Through our support and counselling, you can see all the options you have available in your particular situation, and make an informed decision to benefit you, your budget and your emotional state.

DK Divorce Consultants operates to the highest standards of care, confidentiality and professionalism.

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Find out more about our consultancy services

How is a Divorce Consultant different from a solicitor?

If you want to know more about our consultancy services, our operational process and fees, please go and read our Details page.

Divorce Consultant

Do you require our services?

Are you in the process of getting a divorce or still thinking if you should go through with it?

We provide consultancy and support regardless of which situation you are in. Contact us to schedule your FREE 30 Minute Consultation.

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Divorce Consultant

David is currently supporting me with preparing the paperwork for my divorce. He is professional, informative and has a friendly and empathetic manner. I am certain his service would save anyone a.significant amount of time in research and in solicitor's fees and I am happy to recommend his service.


Joanne Randall

Excellent service, made the whole financial process much easier to understand allowing me consider all my options & make my own decision that suited me best to move forward.








Gemma Louise Kelly

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