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When it comes to divorce, people often have many questions before the process even
begins. I have compiled a list of frequently asked questions below, so that you can help to educate
yourself on the process of divorce before you speak to me.
However, none of this should be
construed as legal advice, and I strongly recommend that you get in touch with me for a free 30
minute consultation if you need any assistance.
Will you help with a house valuation for divorce?
Yes, I can help with a house valuation for divorce. However, you will need to contact me so that I can assess your unique requirements before proceeding. Feel free to contact me via this website.
Do you handle divorces for high net worth individuals?
Yes, I do. In fact, this is an area I particularly specialise in. Please contact me via this website or via phone to discuss this further, and how I can meet your requirements.
Does having a new partner affect a divorce settlement?
Having a new partner can affect divorce settlements, but this is not always the case. You will need to contact me for further details so that I can fully meet your requirements.
What does a pension actuary do in divorce?
The role of the actuary is to assess what income returns are likely on the different pensions. Some of the main factors which it takes into consideration are target dates for retirement and the ages of the parties concerned. They then advise how pensions in divorce can be shared to produce similar incomes.
Do you help with Islamic divorce papers?
Yes, I can help with Islamic divorce papers. However, you will need to contact me so that I can fully assess and understand your requirements, and how I can help you going forward.
Do you provide divorce mediation?
Yes, divorce mediation is something which I do provide, by helping both parties agree on how to split money and/or properties, without taking a side. Please get in touch with me to see how I can aid you further in this process.
Can I apply for divorce loans?
Depending on your circumstances, it is possible that you may be eligible to apply for a divorce loan to help fund the costs of the divorce. Feel free to get in touch with me to see how I can help you if this is the case.
Is it a good idea to wait until your children turn 18 to divorce?
From family to family, everybody’s circumstances are different when it comes to divorce. For some families, there is no option to wait, whereas for others, perhaps separation first and then ultimately divorce when the children turn 18 is a more viable option.
When is national divorce day 2023?
National Divorce Day 2023 was Monday, 9th January. It usually falls on the first working Monday of the New Year. This means that the next one is National Divorce Day 2024, which will fall on Monday, 8th January 2024.
Can you help with putting a charge on a property during a divorce?
Yes, putting a charge on a property during a divorce is something that I can help with. Get in touch with me for further details on how I can help you with this via my website or phone.
Can you help with changing my will after the divorce?
Yes, this is also something that I can help with. Changing your will is especially important following a divorce, so I am more than happy to help support you with this.
Is a limited company protected from divorce?
No, a limited company is not protected from divorce. This applies whether the company was set up prior to or during your civil partnership or marriage. It will be considered as part of the matrimonial pot as a financial asset.
Is it worth contesting a divorce?
Although it is possible to contest a divorce, it is not recommended that you do so. There are a number of reasons for this, including higher court costs and the likelihood that the same conclusion will be reached after the additional court visits and time spent on the case - that there is a valid reason for the divorce.
Is virtual infidelity grounds for divorce in the UK?
No. Although with the advances of modern technology ever stretching the boundaries of the law, as of now, virtual infidelity is not grounds for divorce in the UK. This could be subject to change in the future, but for now it does not hold up against physical adultery in a UK court and you cannot apply for a divorce on these grounds.
What is the definition of divorce?
Divorce in the UK is simply defined as legally ending your marriage. This means that you are no longer legally married to your partner. It dissolves the bonds of matrimony between a married couple, usually via the courts or legal system of a country or state.
What is the most common outcome for divorce?
The most common outcome for divorce is to reach for a 50/50 split between the couple. However, this is not necessarily always the case, and typically a different arrangement can be made depending on a multitude of factors.
Legally, how does a divorce impact the children of the couple?
Every child is different, but generally those who are aged between 3 years and 15 years old will be the ones most likely to feel a tougher impact of their parents divorcing. Custody of the children is another factor which will be considered as part of your divorce proceedings.
Does a divorce automatically affect your will?
Divorce does not automatically affect your will. While marriage revokes previous wills, when you get divorced, your will is not revoked. While your will is still very much valid, your ex-partner will no longer be able to benefit from it.
Does a divorce impact your credit score?
No, divorce does not impact your credit score. Your legal relationship status does not show up on credit reports, so as a result, whether you are newly married or divorced, it will not affect your credit score.
How long does a divorce usually take?
The average length of time that a divorce in the UK takes is six to eight months. Obviously, some divorce proceedings can take much longer, and some can be over quicker.
What are the legal costs associated with a divorce?
As a general rule, the applicant (the person who applies for the divorce) will pay the court fees. However, some couples agree to split the payment of the court fees. This is usually the case if it is a joint application for divorce.
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