January’s Divorce Day – Why should you consider using a Divorce Consultant?

Divorce Consultants

January’s ‘Divorce Day’ is something of an urban myth. However, many people decide to declutter and re-focus their lives during January and February, aiming for a fresh start to their lives if they are in an unhappy marriage.

It is however important that if you are considering divorce, you approach it in a planned and systematic way and try not to let your heart rule your head and rush straight in with a solicitor’s appointment.

There are generally three elements to divorce:
• The emotional trauma of the break-up of a long-term relationship
• Financial consequences of divorce; financial life post-divorce will generally be quite different to what it was during marriage
• Making the divorce and financial agreement legally binding.

It’s surprising that so many people considering divorce go directly to a solicitor as a one-stop shop, when the legal part is only a third of the process. If you wanted to build a house on a piece of land you wouldn’t get a builder to do everything…you would use a surveyor, architect, builder, plumber, electrician, plasterer, decorator and have a Project Manager to coordinate everything.

In very much the same way, a Divorce Consultant helps bring all the different elements of a divorce together, saving you time, money, stress, and confrontation, helping you achieve a more desirable outcome. The adage ‘fail to prepare, prepare to fail’ most certainly springs to mind.

David Kite is the owner and consultant at DK Divorce Consultants.

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