If you are in an unhappy marriage and considering divorce, you may assume that going to a solicitor is the natural starting point. If so, it’s likely you haven’t considered the‘Three C’s of Divorce’.
Control– Once you engage with a solicitor, quite often you are taken on a conveyor belt, which you can’t control, pause, or stop as your solicitor tells you what to do.
Costs– You might find that solicitor’s bills keep mounting up and you’ve no idea when they will end.
Confrontation– Going to a solicitor too early could cause unnecessary confrontation as the dialogue switches from you and your spouse to Solicitor A and Solicitor B and vice versa.
Going to a Divorce Consultant at the beginning enables you:
To keep Control as he or she will help you put together your personal divorce plan, based upon what you specifically want from your divorce.
Your Costs will be significantly reduced as the fees charged by a Divorce Consultant are much lower than a family solicitor.
There is less likelihood of Confrontation between you and your spouse as you personally decide how you wish to communicate with your other half.
A Divorce Consultant provides guidance to help you “think” about what you might do but unlike a solicitor will not tell you what to do.