Several of my clients have come to me saying that their spouse has made a financial offer which for the purposes of an amicable divorce they say is generous. In every case, upon closer investigation, the offer is far from generous and in fact has always been a very poor one.
Part of my process is to do a pre- and post-divorce Financial Reality check which identifies options of how to divide the family assets fairly. This often identifies the significant value of pensions, which are often glossed over by the primary financial provider, as being of little consequence. In fact, the value of pensions can in many cases be a significant bargaining chip in negotiating a favourable divorce settlement; helping you get ‘the divorce you deserve’.
Before you discuss a financial proposal or go to a solicitor, I would suggest you book a free 30-minute confidential consultation to get a better understanding of what you are entitled to from your divorce.
Photo by Mathieu Stern on Unsplash